I absolutely love the paper blog, Oh So Beautiful Paper. Nole, the editor, meticulously curates the site so it’s filled with the most up and coming paper trends, ideas and concepts. I love reading it every morning while I drink my tea and get ready for the day. Nole recently launched her designer rolodex which is a collection of invitation designers that she hopes will help connect clients with great vendors by putting them all in one, tidy little place. I am so excited to be a part of the designer rolodex as I have been a fan of this site from day 1! Looks great Nole!
Category: Uncategorized
Custom Tote Bags
One of my favorite day of details is creating a custom tote bag that can match back to your wedding collateral. It makes a perfect out-of-towner bag and is a great way to greet your guests and set the tone for a fantastic weekend. They are also great for any small business, custom branding or any other little project you might be cooking up. These can be 100% customized to your liking- I am a big fan of these cute little guys.
Bye bye August
What a two weeks it’s been! Sorry for the radio silence, I have been working like a dog and had some major deadlines. I have a very cool project to share that will go live in September, stay tuned for that {very excited about this one!} To recap the last two weeks:
– Experienced an Earthquake
– Experienced NYC’s first hurricane in ages
– Almost moved
– Didn’t move {fingers crossed this will change!}
– Got bangs! {ow}
– My computer accidentally drank an entire large coffee and went black {oh no!} but then came back to life 25 minutes later! {oh yeah!}
– Saw Grace Potter in Boston and got front row tickets, very cool.
…. and that feels like just the tip of the iceburg. I was thinking about all this crazy stuff this week and it reminded me of one of my favorite John Lennon quotes:
so there you go. You just can’t predict the crazy but that is the beauty of it {i think…} Enjoy the last day in August and BRING ON THE FALL.
Getting it DONE
Fall Crushin’
With the design world, you are very rarely working in the “moment.” You are constantly several months ahead which means when it’s summer you’re onto Fall and Winter. When it’s winter, you’re doing Spring and Summer. Today, I am knee deep in cool weather inspired projects. I keep staring at Fall pictures for reference and it’s really making me crave that cool, crisp Fall air. Especially because {this is for my fellow New Yorkers} the streets finally stop smelling like hot garbage!
I got a crush on you Fall. Watch out.
image from A Cup of Jo
I guess you could say that I am mildly obsessed with my alma mater, Syracuse University. I was a student in the Visual and Performing Art program, one of those weird art kids. Freshman year I used to trek down the stairs from “The Mount” with my sketch pad, portfolio case, Artbox full of things I never used and would schlep to class in the {usually} freezing cold, snowy weather. I have one specific memory of taking a pretty epic digger down those stairs, chaos ensued and my art supplies were strewn about the stairs and snow. Nothing like being a Freshman.
I loved that school and we have some pretty great gals in the industry who were also graduates of the art school {Joy from Oh Joy!, Courtney from Seamless Creative and Tara from Ink & Wit just to name a few} I am heading up there later today to visit one of my best buds and visit my old stomping grounds. Have a fantastic rest of your week!
Disappearing Days
Lately I find myself saying things like “How is it 6 p.m. already?” or “Is it really already August?” It seems like time is going by faster than ever. Before you know it, it will be Fall! Where is the time sneaking away too? Probably some secret club where we are all clearly not invited, but I digress.
Slow down a little bud, we need a breather!
Keep it old school
Going to see the Flaming Lips and Weezer at Jones Beach tonight {miss you Rena!} Very excited to get all Long Island and enjoy some of my favorite tunes from back in the day. See you back here next week with some fancy shots from our photo shoot today- looking good! Now, go do something great this weekend.
BOO…. Radley.
Summer of the WORD
This is has been a summer full of some great reads. I thought I’d share the wealth as there is nothing worse than going into the bookstore, having no direction, then leaving empty handed. And this starving artist, illustrator, wedding designer extraordinaire is here to inspire YOU… or something like that.
Summer Reads:
Just Kids– such a good read, especially if you like music and culture
The Help– guzzled this down in about 2 days, such a good vacation read!
Let the Great World Spin– an amazing collage of stories that all tie together. i love these kinds of books
Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close- such a great, great read. i’m pretty sure i hugged the book when i finished this one.
Currently Reading:
A Freewheelin’ Time– a good snapshot of life in Greenwich Village in the 1960’s- i eat this stuff up!
On Deck:
Zelda– i was inspired after seeing “Midnight in Paris”- i am excited to learn more about her!
What are you reading? Any recommendations?