Fun with Foam

Ok, this is too cute not to share. The oh so creative Nikki came up with this very fun invite for her daughter’s 1st birthday. Franca is notorious for pointing and sucking on her pointer finger so they decided why not just embrace it? And they did, with 100 foam fingers. I love how different this is, I also love how they ended up using the extra 90 foam fingers they didn’t need. Creative, right?



About 82%

Happy Monday everyone! Another dreary day here in Brooklyn, spring needs to get it’s walking shoes on and pick up the pace over here. I thought I’d share this little gem of a card I found while in Chicago awhile back. Everything in my life these days seems to be a percentage- “Do you want pizza for dinner tonight?” “Yeah, like 76%” or “Are you mad at me?” “Um… about 2%” It seems to be the easiest way for me to answer questions so when I saw this little guy by Power and Light Press at the Renegrade Handmade, I knew I had to have it for my fridge. If you’re about 82% sure on anything you’re in pretty good shape!


Sneaky Peeks

It is a dreary Friday here in Brooklyn and the motivation level is slipping into the dangerously low catagory. But on the brighter side of things, I have a lot of fun projects hanging around right now.  Thought I’d share a few sneak peekers at a couple of my favs… Enjoy your weekend!

Spread some LOVE

I don’t care that people call it a “Hallmark Holiday” or all the other corny phrases people have for Valentine’s Day, it’s such a sweet day. It sets the tone for what would normally be a very dreary winter month and gives it a little warmth. I love seeing all the red and pink in all the shops, it’s just fun.

So needless to say- I love making Valentines. The one below is all hand painted in watercolor. I love the way this turned out. It’s simple and clean and could even be kept up all year {in fact- mine is!} Hope you all have a lovely Valentine’s day! Now go eat some candy.

Book Art

I am a crazy avid reader. I get anxiety when I am on the subway and realize I left my book at home. The idea of just sitting and doing nothing for the 20 minute ride drives me nuts! So needless to say, I like myself a good book. Maybe it’s my illustration background but I am always drawn {ha, no pun intended} to books by their cover art. That is how I fell in love with the “Tales of the City” series. Their art is right up my alley- sketchy line work with haphazard color. I picked up the first book while in San Fran {appropriate since the series takes place there} and devoured it right away. I then went on a seven book tear and went through the series in a matter of weeks. Now I have them all on my shelf lined up with their lovely art looking out at me. What makes this series and it’s art even more interesting is that it’s all connected. Each book, when lined up next to one another, creates one continuous scene of San Francisco. So creative!

{book illustrations by Gregg Kulick}