I guess you could say that I am mildly obsessed with my alma mater, Syracuse University. I was a student in the Visual and Performing Art program, one of those weird art kids. Freshman year I used to trek down the stairs from “The Mount” with my sketch pad, portfolio case, Artbox full of things I never used and would schlep to class in the {usually} freezing cold, snowy weather. I have one specific memory of taking a pretty epic digger down those stairs, chaos ensued and my art supplies were strewn about the stairs and snow. Nothing like being a Freshman.
I loved that school and we have some pretty great gals in the industry who were also graduates of the art school {Joy from Oh Joy!, Courtney from Seamless Creative and Tara from Ink & Wit just to name a few} I am heading up there later today to visit one of my best buds and visit my old stomping grounds. Have a fantastic rest of your week!